Monday, November 16, 2009

Adventure Quest Worlds

The game I'm reviewing now is called: Adventure Quest Worlds. It is one of my favorite games ever. It is a really fun 2d game MMO game with goodish graphics a really funny storyline and usually 10 to 20 thousand players on at a time. It's made by Artix Entertainment. They're the company that made MechQuest, DragonFable, and the original AdventureQuest. AdventureQuest is not nearly as funny as the other three games, and I don't suggest playing it.

In AQWorlds (Adventure Quest Worlds) you walk by clicking on the ground, attack by clicking on an enemy twice or clicking on an enemy and clicking the auto attack button (at least that's what it's called on most classes). You use you're skills by clicking them or using the shortcuts (1 is auto attack and 2-5 are you're 5 skills). The skills can do anything from a stun to a shield to a strong attack.

The storyline is really funny and if you want a good laugh go into the magic shop in the town you start in click on the exclamation mark above the guy(Warlic)'s head and click Warlic and Cysero. It is hilarious! If you're going to make an account though, say you're 13 or older so that you can go onto the servers that you can talk in. All in all, I give it a 7/5.

P.S. If you make an account you should pick the class: warrior.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Fallen Empire legions.

The first game I'm going to review is called: Fallen Empire: Legions. It's a fast paced action game with Really good graphics. It's a si-fi mecha third person shooter game(third person because it was in third person view, not first person). I thought it was fun, even though I was absolutely no good at it.

Sadly, Fallen Empire: Legions had no storyline whatsoever, which made it sort of boring. It was a little too fast sometimes because of the fact that by holding down the right mouse button you could use a jet thing (I have noooo idea what it was really called) that made your character send blue lines out of his arms and back and go really fast, and if you hit and held the space bar while doing this you would start flying. The people who had obviously been playing it for a while, would use the flying to simply fly into there enemy's base, grab the flag and get back out in half a second. For some reason, everyone seemed to fly faster then me, no matter what I picked

In the game, there were various types of terrain, like a volcano, a desert, a snowy area and mountain area. There were a lot of different classes you could be. Three main groups and then each group had many different classes. The main groups were called: Sentential, Raider, and Outrider. My favorite was the Outrider's gunner. It had three different weapons: a chaingun, a rocket launcher( sadly it wasn't following) and a grenade launcher.

I can understand why this game was on the top ten browser MMO games of 2009. It was a lot of fun but as I said before I was no good at it. However, it would definitely be better if it had a storyline. Hopefully it will get one in the future. All in all I give it 4/5.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Welcome to Online Gamer!

This is the blog, online gamer! If you're reading this then I haven't put my real first post on yet. Check back in a couple of days. While you wait try this game, it's a lot of fun:

Or this one: